hello loves
I'm late on this task but let's go! I want to talk about my name, how I chose my sg name ...
Well, my "real" name is Amanda, but all my friends called me Amandinha that would be something like little amanda in Portuguese haha not because I'm low (because I really am not) but because I'm thin, I'm small because I'm thin , perhaps the thinnest in the class.
A few friends then called me Dinha, it's easier to say Dinha than Amandinha. So I chose my name, after all this was already my nickname for the most intimate friends.
Well, what about the Sun? Simple, I am of the lion sign so I am guided by the Sun, it is my star, and it is the best star. I'm very attached to my sign, so I soon thought I'd put something on it in my name.
So that's it, I hope I've been clear, I really like the meaning of my sg name, and thanks to everyone who has read <3 kisses!!
@missy and @rambo <3
lovely <3
@bonniedarko como meu inglês é péssimo e vc é brasileira vou responder em português hahahaha já me chamaram de Amandita também mas eu não curtia pq é o nome do chocolate hahaha e acho que vc tá certa, Amandinha em inglês deve ser Mandy faz mais sentido haha