I went to a super bowl party with a bunch of lesbians. This one girl started talking to me about raw foods. I mean, really talking. A lot. But I'm kinda interested in the topic, so I listened. And I figured she was a lesbian, so I didn't have anything to worry about. Then she asked me if I was single, followed quickly by if I was straight, then how old I was. I was so taken aback that I didn't really have a chance to answer before she said she wanted to hook me up with her vegan friend. Her 34 year old vegan friend. I'm like "Uhh... I'm really immature and have never been in a serious relationship. I don't think that's going to work." and she's like "She'll whip you into shape." There are 22 year olds that are too mature for me. 34? Give me a break. Age difference of more than like 2 years either way freaks me out. I gave her my number because she asked and I was drunk and I didn't know how to not give it to her and not have it be awkward. But I really hope nothing comes of it. I don't know what my problem is. I've been asked out a few times recently, and now this, and my first thought is always how I'm going to get out of it. It's practically like "Eww, cooties!". I wish people would just leave me alone and not put me in that position. Half the time, I'm so naive that I don't realize they were hitting on me until after they give up and leave and my friends are like "What the hell is your problem?" I'm glad I'm not an attractive woman and don't have to deal with it every day.
I'm teaching my roommate how to say 'no' to people. I can give you tips, too.