Hey everyone!
So far my summers going pretty well. I just went to the wonderful tradition of the Calgary Stampede. Although I hate most of the tourists who come here for a 10 day drinking binge I do love the mini donuts, rides and concerts. Yesterday I got to see Bif Naked, I had a blast!
Although I`ve never gone on the weekend before and... Read More
Ah, yes... that Calgary Stampede. The event you must go to once every five years to remind yourself why you don't always go. Pretty much your average State Fair, but with a big rodeo. Still, your average State Fair isn't all bad... mini donuts! Plus the parade used to be kind of cool.
When I was little my father would occasionally make me a deal that if I didn't go on any rides at Stampede he'd take me to Calaway sometime over the summer.
so i finaly got off my butt and got a new job. started today, its actually pretty fun. and its an awsome good cause. i am now working for/ with one of the many wonderful non-profit organizations that help set up sponsers for children in 3rd world countries. so i'm enjoying it needless to say.
i couldnt think of a better karma giving job then... Read More
ah winter in good ol' cow town. its snows, it melt, it snows, it melts.. everyone loves ice lol.
other then weather that cant make up its mind everythings been fairly ok.
our plans for the bar are coming along with amazing ease and speed. so, fingers crossed, it'll be open within the next year to year and a half. i cant wait for it... Read More
well theres really nothing new going on lol life is pretty much same old same old.
however a friend of mine and i are looking into opening up a bartogether. both of us have pretty much had it working our butts off for other people and getting no where or working for some giant bitch/asswhole and taking their... Read More
Ah the new year! so far here its been a little less then off to a good start.
i had a few people come over and so m y new years was fun, but the city its self? um... not so much.
i llove this city but it has definately gone to hell in a hand bang. 4 murders all on jan.1st new years day.... Read More