I actually have been meaning to completely revamp all my shit on here - getting a little stagnant dontcha know? Coming up on us is one incredible summer - it just has that feeling in the air - an electricity. Insanity on the horizon for me is burning man (my first year but i'm totally pumped - I dont know what to expect but I...
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Hey, dude, happy birthday!

Dude! Time to update... it's coming up summer for me already!
Shit, it's 8:30 am, I can't sleep as usual even though I'm still drunk from last night. So I'm on the business center comp at the hotel we're staying at and I hope I don't have to puke in this itty bitty garbage can. Damn it was a great time last night - the Irish Bank in SF is sweet!
ty your effin slacking.. post a new journal man!!! hehehe. thanks for the drinks... god i have been craving another p.b and jelly sandwich!!!
Now I feel motivated to put something here.
I have been spoiling balou with flowers recently - she's so sweet and I'm addicted to the smell of her hair. What is it about a woman's hair that sets the heart to racing? It's so unique and personal...tasty.
I think I'm almost to the point where I will no longer require sleep at all. I got...
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I have been spoiling balou with flowers recently - she's so sweet and I'm addicted to the smell of her hair. What is it about a woman's hair that sets the heart to racing? It's so unique and personal...tasty.
I think I'm almost to the point where I will no longer require sleep at all. I got...
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aye, no whoopie cushion????
I love margareet, if you want i can email you the two pics i took. ciao sexy!!

Hello. In the SGReno group you mentioned you had a desk/table. Where can I pick it up? My roommate has a truck right now but I'm not sure how much longer it will last and I'm in desperate need of something to put my computer on. Please respond to me as soon as possible. Thank you.