goodness gracious, how are y'all?
i'm so excited, dork that i am, i am glad to know that soon Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, and Aeon Fluxmovies will be coming up! lol, god, i'm sad to still be loving that shit...they need to do Where the Wild Things Are, preferably by Pixar! that would be great! i love that damn book, it reminds me of me...
outside of me being a dork, i've been good. work is kicking my butt. i swear, it makes me feel old. by the time i get off, i'm ready to come home, cook dinner, and go to bed.
oo, i found two of my favorite movies on dvd for cheap! always, a great thing. haha blockbuster, kiss my ass! i tried for literally days to rent What Dreams May Come, and ended up buying it tonight for $5. so yay for my cheap ass.
What has everyone been up to? I don't remember the last time I chatted with the few I knew on this place.....ain't that horrid of me? oh, and it looks like i'm going to LA for a few days. having never been west, much less CA, suggestions for things to do?
she who thinks you all need to buy the new
sigur ros

outside of me being a dork, i've been good. work is kicking my butt. i swear, it makes me feel old. by the time i get off, i'm ready to come home, cook dinner, and go to bed.
oo, i found two of my favorite movies on dvd for cheap! always, a great thing. haha blockbuster, kiss my ass! i tried for literally days to rent What Dreams May Come, and ended up buying it tonight for $5. so yay for my cheap ass.
What has everyone been up to? I don't remember the last time I chatted with the few I knew on this place.....ain't that horrid of me? oh, and it looks like i'm going to LA for a few days. having never been west, much less CA, suggestions for things to do?
she who thinks you all need to buy the new

Ive never seen What Dreams May Come, what genre of film is it ?
Have a great time in LA
Been up to !
Looking for work and missing my girl....
[Edited on Sep 25, 2005 11:59AM]