i have a new favorite book in which i could fill a page for each of you with quotes from.....read it. it's great. even better, it's about an actual human being from which each of us could learn from...dare i say, it has/is helping me....the title is Tuesdays with Morrie. i tried to think of at least one thing to quote from it to show you all, but deciding which would be the best seemed too hard. it really is that great. i guess, however, i will use the man the book speaks of, Morrie's favorite quote from his favorite poem, "love or perish". as a side note, i think i'll share the title of my favorite all-time poem; the poem is 'somewhere i have never travelled'by e.e. cummings. he's the greatest. check him out!
what's your favorite poem? or book? how's your life going? seriously, i'm interested.... and not to worry, i'm over yesterday.
what's your favorite poem? or book? how's your life going? seriously, i'm interested.... and not to worry, i'm over yesterday.

it feels like im falling from these clouds
i don't have the words to show you
or you to walk me through this dream
i wish not to awake
let us dream of each other forever
i will wait for you at the bottom
of me as it was then for you
for you as it was then of me
heaven would part way to see your beautiful face
and i can feel our future comming to a close
so close to being cold
i give you this last rose
the one i pricked my finger on
the one covered in thorns
if you look closely though
(you'll see)
a reflection
a snow covered happy home
a smile in the patience of 3 words
a set of eyes iridizing in the mirror
a hope that you will find me here
imprisoned as you pull the petals
i drown to last leaf of sky
if you catch me
i'll grow wings and together
away we will fly
favorite book: the screwtape letters (if you haven't read it i recomend it)
life is decent at the moment, im confused about things but who isn't?
glad to hear you're doing well.