yay, vanessa's got a new tat! tis simple...just one word on my wrist. "arete`" is written under my wrist, parallel with my arm. simple script, just my messed handwriting which is something between cursive and print. the tat makes me happy cause i've been wanting to do it for a while....plus, out of what i want to do, it was simplest and cheapest...but yea, yay for me.
i hope you are all doing well. i hope nish has found a love for hum, and juno is somewhere around doing well. as a side note, whatever happened to chat on sg? since i've started this new job, i am here way less and go to bed waayy to early now. tis sad.

i hope you are all doing well. i hope nish has found a love for hum, and juno is somewhere around doing well. as a side note, whatever happened to chat on sg? since i've started this new job, i am here way less and go to bed waayy to early now. tis sad.

I havent checked them out yet but when I get
"you'd prefer an astronaut." im sure it wont dissapoint
hum may get another lover yet