so once again... i see that i can't have what i want, yet i can't seem to get rid of what i don't care about.
case in point. i sit down at the bar last night, i put my roommate next to the grrl sitting there, she ends up talking past him to me. he goes to the bathroom she takes his seat and starts hitting on me. thank God she got called up for karaoke, so she would leave me alone. then i turn around, and there's a barcode tattoo in my face. odly enough i RECOGNIZED that barcode (kamel red lights... can't live without them) so i talk to her, next thing i know i get dragged to her table, she buys me a beer. i dunno what happened after that, but my roomate left me with her, and i spent the rest of the morningtrying to convince her that she didn't want to have sex with me... seriously. i tried everything! told her i had a tiny cock, told her i was a one stroke wonder, that i had already been with two grrls that day (and yes that's all true) but that didn't stop her. she ended up coming home with me, and fucked me like fucking crazy all damn night. i was like *DAMN* then one of my roomates yelled at me this morning "fucker you kept me up all night with her screaming" of course i apologized... not my fault she came like, 15 times. then my other roomate asked me "so do0d, what happened with theat grrl last night?" i jist shook my head.. that boy sleeps like the fucking dead.
on a nicer note, diane called a few minutes ago. literally all she said was, "i said i would call, and i almost forgot, i was getting in bed and was thinking about you" then she said she'd call me tomoz or something when she wasn't so tired. *shrug* i was kinda hoping to spend some time with her. every once in a while, its nice to be with a grrl i know isn't gonna try and get in my pants. that and she's really comfy to snuggle with. and i suppose i might have had a better chance with her if i hadn't shown up with a big fucking hickey on muh neck... guess i should be glad that she didn't see the fucking furrows that that grrl dug across muh back last night
now, if only amy would call me sometime, i'd prolly be in friggin heaven.
oh... also had to do some baking today. i haven't done that in a while. made a layer cake for one of the ladies at werk tomoz, she turning 60. made her a 2 layer devil's food cake, and put a coule of stained glass windows on it shaped like a flutterby (she lurves flutterbies) hope she likes it.
i guess that's it. *shrug*
case in point. i sit down at the bar last night, i put my roommate next to the grrl sitting there, she ends up talking past him to me. he goes to the bathroom she takes his seat and starts hitting on me. thank God she got called up for karaoke, so she would leave me alone. then i turn around, and there's a barcode tattoo in my face. odly enough i RECOGNIZED that barcode (kamel red lights... can't live without them) so i talk to her, next thing i know i get dragged to her table, she buys me a beer. i dunno what happened after that, but my roomate left me with her, and i spent the rest of the morningtrying to convince her that she didn't want to have sex with me... seriously. i tried everything! told her i had a tiny cock, told her i was a one stroke wonder, that i had already been with two grrls that day (and yes that's all true) but that didn't stop her. she ended up coming home with me, and fucked me like fucking crazy all damn night. i was like *DAMN* then one of my roomates yelled at me this morning "fucker you kept me up all night with her screaming" of course i apologized... not my fault she came like, 15 times. then my other roomate asked me "so do0d, what happened with theat grrl last night?" i jist shook my head.. that boy sleeps like the fucking dead.
on a nicer note, diane called a few minutes ago. literally all she said was, "i said i would call, and i almost forgot, i was getting in bed and was thinking about you" then she said she'd call me tomoz or something when she wasn't so tired. *shrug* i was kinda hoping to spend some time with her. every once in a while, its nice to be with a grrl i know isn't gonna try and get in my pants. that and she's really comfy to snuggle with. and i suppose i might have had a better chance with her if i hadn't shown up with a big fucking hickey on muh neck... guess i should be glad that she didn't see the fucking furrows that that grrl dug across muh back last night

now, if only amy would call me sometime, i'd prolly be in friggin heaven.
oh... also had to do some baking today. i haven't done that in a while. made a layer cake for one of the ladies at werk tomoz, she turning 60. made her a 2 layer devil's food cake, and put a coule of stained glass windows on it shaped like a flutterby (she lurves flutterbies) hope she likes it.
i guess that's it. *shrug*