[ update ]
...i'm having somewhat of a normal day!
i went to bed at 10-11pm and woke up at 5am. i just got back from jogging. exercising in the morning air reminded me of basketball, waterpolo & football practice back in the dayz. i was joking with my crosscountry friends how i wanted to buy a full USA OLYMPICS jogging suit and run around the neighborhood.
[ olympics ]
speaking about sports, i luv the olympics! i've been watching it religiously. i think the announcer is a perv. he kept saying how cute the lil' asian girls were on the gymnastics team. the chinese women's gymnastics team are like robots! they're so disciplined.
why are the romanian girls so good? gymnastics is a tradition. why are the brasilians so good at futbol? it's in their blood. why are norwegian's so good at swimming? it's dna. & why does the US win so many gold metals? confidence.
i hate how they don't show futbol on the major channels! only telemundo which i don't mind cuz i like the spanish announcer better, but still! no love for futbol? that's just sad.
[ smartass ]
i miss a certain friend of mine. since i'm having a normal day, i thought she'd be home and i can catch her in the morning for once. i forgot it's her first day of skool! don't break too many hearts while they worship you.
[ movies ]
i saw maria full of grace. i liked it very much. i wanna see garden state & napolean dynomite. and as for 'hollywood' movies, i wanna see the bourne supremecy & spider-man 2
[ ipod/itunes ]
i need to organize my files! but right now i'm listening to...
can - vitamin c
nas - get down
cibelle - so sei viver no samba
jesus & mary chain - psycho candy
[ bizzness ]
...time to call NY before it's lunch time over there. i get a lil' nervous everytime i call magazine people. art director's i can handle, cuz they're weird like me.
...i'm having somewhat of a normal day!
i went to bed at 10-11pm and woke up at 5am. i just got back from jogging. exercising in the morning air reminded me of basketball, waterpolo & football practice back in the dayz. i was joking with my crosscountry friends how i wanted to buy a full USA OLYMPICS jogging suit and run around the neighborhood.
[ olympics ]
speaking about sports, i luv the olympics! i've been watching it religiously. i think the announcer is a perv. he kept saying how cute the lil' asian girls were on the gymnastics team. the chinese women's gymnastics team are like robots! they're so disciplined.
why are the romanian girls so good? gymnastics is a tradition. why are the brasilians so good at futbol? it's in their blood. why are norwegian's so good at swimming? it's dna. & why does the US win so many gold metals? confidence.
i hate how they don't show futbol on the major channels! only telemundo which i don't mind cuz i like the spanish announcer better, but still! no love for futbol? that's just sad.
[ smartass ]
i miss a certain friend of mine. since i'm having a normal day, i thought she'd be home and i can catch her in the morning for once. i forgot it's her first day of skool! don't break too many hearts while they worship you.
[ movies ]
i saw maria full of grace. i liked it very much. i wanna see garden state & napolean dynomite. and as for 'hollywood' movies, i wanna see the bourne supremecy & spider-man 2
[ ipod/itunes ]
i need to organize my files! but right now i'm listening to...
can - vitamin c
nas - get down
cibelle - so sei viver no samba
jesus & mary chain - psycho candy
[ bizzness ]
...time to call NY before it's lunch time over there. i get a lil' nervous everytime i call magazine people. art director's i can handle, cuz they're weird like me.


spanish futbol announcers. like that simpsons episode. theyre so enthusiasticl