Damn that took me a while. So I'm lame and didn't see where to go to update this thing for a while so I finally got around to doing it now. So loets see - whats new. Things are going really well at the new job. - Its honestly the best job I've ever had (even better than when I was VP of a company and making loads of kizzy). I saw Social D but was in the very back row. The girl I went with wouldn't sneek up to the front with me so finally I went up by myself but they only played 2 more songs by the time I got up there.My pops went in to the hospital earlier this week but gotr released the same day so thats all good. Anyone have any cool new years plans? I'm still trying to find something to do so if you've got something good let me know.
so how were your holidays? do anything good? do anything bad