So Hell Yeah. Things are turning out good! I haven't updated in a while for a few reasons. I fainted 2 mmonths ago in San Diego and hit my head on the edge of a kkitchen counter and then on the ground. I went to the ER and they didn't do shit but send me home. A week later I was back in La and at my friends 30th B-Day party. I had 2 eers, started talking nonsense and then vomited. The next day I don't even know what year it is (literally), go to the doctor and find out whenn I hit my head I had gotten a concussion and burst an artery in my brain which had been bleeding all week and caused a blood clot the size of an egg in between my skull and brain. Lots of fun. So i had to spend the next week in the hospital, which wasn't to bad because I was on the highest dose of synthetic morphine legallly allowed. Once I got out i wasn't allowed to go back to work for a month and was on synth morphine the whole time. Well now I'm all better and rockin again. Since then I've moved into a new apt in the valley, gotten a job at Hustler working in posty production on porn and am prettty stoked. How has everyone else been?

[Edited on Aug 21, 2004 1:07PM]