When I have something ike this on my mmind I usually just give up on thinking about it and just delve that much deeper into work.
Here's my problem:
I'm a workaholic. Not just a little bit - to the point where it could honestly be considered an addiction. I have one job where I work at the very least 48 hoours a week, and its very rare that I work that little. Usually I work 50 - 60 hours a week and about once a month I'll do a 70 hour week. Now if thats not enough I took a second job that doesn't actually even pay me anything. Its a year old company that has had over 35% growth from month to month. They offered me part ownership to be their director of media operations but I don't actually make a weekly wage other than the amount they pay me as a retainer for consulting and side work. Every month and a half or so I have to travel wiith them ando the videos for events we put on to motivate our sales people. Usually when I do these eventsa I work for 3 days and only get about 6 hours sleep the whole time.
Now it seems to me (and I know i'm going to get protests from some people) that girls enjoy being with a successful man. I'm not saying that girls are gold diggers, but that they do appreciate someone who has goals and accomplishes them and it doesn't hurt that they make pretty good money. My problem is in pursuing thosae goals I have no time left over to enjoy being with a girl.
Cae in point: I spoke with someone over the internet a week ago about going out to get a drink. She is someone I think is pretty cool (and very attractive) but a situation came up at work and I wasn't able to go. Later that night I started thinking about it and felt bad because I realized I had no idea if thats had gone well thast night if I would have been able to make a commitment to keep hanging out an a regular basis due to all the work I have. That combined with the fact that as of right now I don't have a llicense (see posts a few weeks ago) and am taking cabs everywhere I felt like it would be wrong of me to try and hang out with them not knowiong if I had the capacity to do so on a regular basis.
Basically it boils down to this: I work really hard and one of the main reasons for doing so is to impress girls but by doing so I never can go out with girls.
It doesn't hellp that I haven't been laid in a while due to being so busy and then I notice that a girl I was refferring to earlier is in the same postioion. (Or lack there of
Here's my problem:
I'm a workaholic. Not just a little bit - to the point where it could honestly be considered an addiction. I have one job where I work at the very least 48 hoours a week, and its very rare that I work that little. Usually I work 50 - 60 hours a week and about once a month I'll do a 70 hour week. Now if thats not enough I took a second job that doesn't actually even pay me anything. Its a year old company that has had over 35% growth from month to month. They offered me part ownership to be their director of media operations but I don't actually make a weekly wage other than the amount they pay me as a retainer for consulting and side work. Every month and a half or so I have to travel wiith them ando the videos for events we put on to motivate our sales people. Usually when I do these eventsa I work for 3 days and only get about 6 hours sleep the whole time.
Now it seems to me (and I know i'm going to get protests from some people) that girls enjoy being with a successful man. I'm not saying that girls are gold diggers, but that they do appreciate someone who has goals and accomplishes them and it doesn't hurt that they make pretty good money. My problem is in pursuing thosae goals I have no time left over to enjoy being with a girl.
Cae in point: I spoke with someone over the internet a week ago about going out to get a drink. She is someone I think is pretty cool (and very attractive) but a situation came up at work and I wasn't able to go. Later that night I started thinking about it and felt bad because I realized I had no idea if thats had gone well thast night if I would have been able to make a commitment to keep hanging out an a regular basis due to all the work I have. That combined with the fact that as of right now I don't have a llicense (see posts a few weeks ago) and am taking cabs everywhere I felt like it would be wrong of me to try and hang out with them not knowiong if I had the capacity to do so on a regular basis.
Basically it boils down to this: I work really hard and one of the main reasons for doing so is to impress girls but by doing so I never can go out with girls.
It doesn't hellp that I haven't been laid in a while due to being so busy and then I notice that a girl I was refferring to earlier is in the same postioion. (Or lack there of

Is there any possibility that you can make a little bit of time to hang w/ her?