Forgive me Noir, but _Mnemosyne_ gave me the idea -- reading a few of your past entries was interesting, but this was special:
So, Noir ever been to Ouray, Colarado?
In regular day nonsense, I think my bosses are avoiding me ... I am trying to quit and take a new job.

So, Noir ever been to Ouray, Colarado?
In regular day nonsense, I think my bosses are avoiding me ... I am trying to quit and take a new job.
Oh, and I noticed the 6 thing because I had a paper with some addresses and phone numbers printed out for an interview this morning. On my way there, I noticed that the address had spaces where some of the numbers should have been. So I went to call the guy, and there were spaces in his phone number. When I got home, I looked at the document in Word and saw that all the missing characters were sixes.
Well, there's one more success you can add to your record.