Does anybody have a line on Dave Matthews' version of Butterfly?
He sings that during Because of Winn Dixie, and it's really beautiful.
Noir had me looking through my various ballads last night, and I recommended her one.
Here it is:
Out Of My Mind
John Gorka
From the album I Know, 1988
You're out of my mind
Guess that makes two of us
Being lead by the blind
It can't be true of us
Taking lessons from the man
Who sells the pencils on the corner
Baby please where do I sign
To prove you're out of my mind
I'm forgetting with wine
But that's not the half of it
I'm crossing the line
With one more carafe of it
But really sheriff sir
I wasn't doing more than fifty
Oh you mean it was your car
I took from Merle's grill and bar
Now I'm doing time
And making license plates
You're catching dimes
Just off the interstate
Things could have been worse
We could be cursing would-be children
So how've you been, I've been fine
Since you're been out of my mind
Out of my mind
Out of my mind
He sings that during Because of Winn Dixie, and it's really beautiful.
Noir had me looking through my various ballads last night, and I recommended her one.
Here it is:
Out Of My Mind
John Gorka
From the album I Know, 1988
You're out of my mind
Guess that makes two of us
Being lead by the blind
It can't be true of us
Taking lessons from the man
Who sells the pencils on the corner
Baby please where do I sign
To prove you're out of my mind
I'm forgetting with wine
But that's not the half of it
I'm crossing the line
With one more carafe of it
But really sheriff sir
I wasn't doing more than fifty
Oh you mean it was your car
I took from Merle's grill and bar
Now I'm doing time
And making license plates
You're catching dimes
Just off the interstate
Things could have been worse
We could be cursing would-be children
So how've you been, I've been fine
Since you're been out of my mind
Out of my mind
Out of my mind
I thought Episode 3 was great. I found a few points to emotionally invest myself in, something I can't say about Eps. 1 & 2.