but i have gone down on girls and not considered it sex? and vice versa. the only way that i can think to count is that you just kind of know? the first time i really had a sex with a girl all of my housemates were really excited about whether or not we did *it* (the subject had been perplexing all of us for a long while) and, after i walked said girl to the door, i just turned around to all of their eager faces and said, "yep. i don't know why. but we did it."
but i don't think that manual manipulation can be considered sex, regardless of organism or no. i do think that leg grinding could be, if the situtation were right. but that poses a problem: can girls have sex without taking off their pants?
but i don't think that manual manipulation can be considered sex, regardless of organism or no. i do think that leg grinding could be, if the situtation were right. but that poses a problem: can girls have sex without taking off their pants?
damnit, maybe i'll just start a thread.