i wish there was one easy place where i could get all my iPhone questions answered.
- why can't i set up my voicemail? is this a hardware or software issue?
- can i get rid of the stocks app?
- how can i change the default number for my favorite contacts who have multiple numbers? my friend has 3 numbers and i want to change it so that her cell is the default number instead of her office.
- can i really not send pics from my computer via bluetooth? i have to email it to myself?
- can i change the default font on the notes app?
- is there any way for gmail to automatically update? it always says i have 50+ messages but i have already read those on my computer. right now, i have to manually mark them all as read on the iPhone.
- i can't get the AIM app to let me sign in.
ooo! that one's better than the one i have! i have this one:

if you figure out the AIM app, please let me know. the stupid thing says i'm logged in but will not load my buddylist. the real question is, why can't they just include that on the phone the same way the stocks & map apps are.