It's official.
I've completely lost any faith I once had in the youth of America.
Just read the SG boards.
So, if anyone wants to have sex with me this weekend, I'll be at Badm0j0s party. I'm gonna already be wearing my jimmie cap, so just come on up and announce yourself. Maybe something like: "Hello. I think I would like to have sex with you now." or possibly "Mmmm, you look so fine. Wanna do me?" Either one will do. Perhaps you will want to try your own proposition on for size. Just make sure that it is free from euphemism, as I am known to frequently misinterpret advances.
Unfortunately, due to heterosexuality, only applicants born without Y chromosomes will be considered. Thank you.
It's official.
I've completely lost any faith I once had in the youth of America.
Just read the SG boards.

So, if anyone wants to have sex with me this weekend, I'll be at Badm0j0s party. I'm gonna already be wearing my jimmie cap, so just come on up and announce yourself. Maybe something like: "Hello. I think I would like to have sex with you now." or possibly "Mmmm, you look so fine. Wanna do me?" Either one will do. Perhaps you will want to try your own proposition on for size. Just make sure that it is free from euphemism, as I am known to frequently misinterpret advances.
Unfortunately, due to heterosexuality, only applicants born without Y chromosomes will be considered. Thank you.

If I have an inch I can scrath I'll do that
Your new hairstyle, shave and contacts left you lookin like ONE HOT CHICA!!!!!
If you look as good as your profile pic when I meetcha - I'll fuck you in half.