So today, DemolitionKitten tried to beat me up for disappearing from her friends list. She's one tough customer. You betta watch it with her. She did that thing where she stands back and puts her hand on top of my head, and I'm just swinging and swingin and missin and missin cuz, she's like, twice as tall as me you know, and then she picked me up above her head, spun me round, like a record, right round and hurled me against the wall. The force of impact made my glasses fall off and I was crawlin around on the ground, blind, just like Velma, hands patting the floor. Then I hear this *CRUNCH* sound and I realized that she stepped on my glasses! I'm tellin ya, DON'T FUCK AROUND WITH THE KITTEN!
My cats are pretty good about not fucking with the toys, It seems that because the shelves are so densely populated with toys - the cat's don't perceive them as surfaces they can walk on. Every once in a while there's a minor mishap - but nothing too frustrating.