ridicule one for moment lost without efficient time spent. for a back aching from little work and plenty of laugh. stop, turn around and then see within your eyes seconds matter only to those who care for minutes.
to die, where does one stand under the star constelation when ones soul is exempt from loving? i crave something.. something i know only one has and one is none. itching headaches of anger whirled only increases my shame.
i wish to end, to stop, to freeze, to be known in another time when i can start with a clean sheet of paper.
someone stop all the clocks for the noise does hurt my ears, it makes me sick.
I knew you last week, for a brief moment. our eyes caught across the playground and for a second every thought u had was my own. this week i can't remember your face, your voice a memory tucked away behind boxes and dust. where do we stand now? love, love plenty. i cannot even be jealous anymore. i am too tired.
to die, where does one stand under the star constelation when ones soul is exempt from loving? i crave something.. something i know only one has and one is none. itching headaches of anger whirled only increases my shame.
i wish to end, to stop, to freeze, to be known in another time when i can start with a clean sheet of paper.
someone stop all the clocks for the noise does hurt my ears, it makes me sick.
I knew you last week, for a brief moment. our eyes caught across the playground and for a second every thought u had was my own. this week i can't remember your face, your voice a memory tucked away behind boxes and dust. where do we stand now? love, love plenty. i cannot even be jealous anymore. i am too tired.
Good to have you back Bris
Tai Chi Chuan (often shortened to Tai Chi) is a kind of moving meditation, like slow motion kung-fu. It's usually done to promote health, like yoga. It can also be used as a martial art, but this side is rarely taught.
It's a long, slow learning process, I don't think it ever ends really.
The Tao Te Ching is a book of chinese philosophy compiled by Lao Tzu, from several different schools of thought, over 2,000 years ago. Many say it's as relevant today as it was way back then.
Lao Tzu was supposedly the founder of Taoism. Tai Chi is based on Taoist practices and principles.