*slowly surely, i walk away from that old desperate and dazed love, caught up in the maze of love, that crazy craze of love, thought it was good, thought it was real, thought it was*
of course im an only child, im bitter concieted, heartfelt and stupid. im dumb to think the world could ever stop and turn its tracks to land upon my door and think about me for a second.
of course im an only child, im bitter concieted, heartfelt and stupid. im dumb to think the world could ever stop and turn its tracks to land upon my door and think about me for a second.
Ok had to un cross the fingers its a bit hard to typewith them crossed
but wishing you luck.
and how come every time i log on you seem to have changed you pic starting to think your a photo nut.
you couldn't take some picture for me need to change those elephants.
any way enjoy your vodka and have one for me
btw: Thanks for the test. Missed you today. Chat tomorrow? Tata love....My eyes are blue...