the pup&meeee!
been busy. working&school&sewing&puppy&boyfriend. too much stuff to do and never enough time to do it.
i hate my stupid job and everything associated with it. i want financial security. is that so much to ask? i don't think so.
the boyfriend and i are going to nyc in octobor a week before my birthday, if my stupid work lets me off. the weekend after that is my real birthday and we are going to philly to see social d and to have chihuahua play dates. psyched.
not psyched about homework. i don't get the composition of art.... yet. i also must study study study art history. the class is fun and my teacher is amazing, but reading the text is very boring.

if you love me you would buy me stuff from my wishlist for my birthday. yes, yes. maybe i will even send you nudes in return. ha!

forgot to mention i sold my rancid tickets on e-bay for $255. amazing. went to black cat anyway and hung out with my friend chris who moved to philly about a year ago. miss that kid like crazy. saw a few people i used to hang out with and saw some people i really could have went without seeing ever again. i miss a lot of things from the past but i can't hold on to that anymore. we've all moved on, for better or worse.
i guess i don't have anything else to say. someone come over and do my homework for me please. or at least send me messages or comments with love, please and thanks. kisses.
Hmmm i like Rancid but i would never pay $255 dollars to see them. Maybe ill buy you something for your birthday but please you dont have to go nude for me lol. Right now i am still at the poor college kid line. Have a good birthday otherwise