Just to let y'all know . . . I'm gone. I canceled my membership. The love of my life doesn't like me being a member here. Sorry all, but I truly love her, forever and always.
Is anyone else into medievalist stuff? cuz i absolutely LOVE renfaires and i have an 800 dollar costume to go to them in. (not to mention all the kewl swords i have to play with, too bad they don't let those in heh heh heh.) as soon as i can get someDamnBody to take me pics i'll post some of me in me renfaire costume...
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"This is my Boom Stick! Ya got it!" heh.

I've had my share of fun at renfaires, and I rather like a romanticized notion of what the medieval world was like. It's just when I start really thinking about the squalor that people lived in that I find something offputting about the whole deal.

But now I'm rather curious as to what this costume looks like.
Life has been good lately. I've been hangin out with my ex and it's been great. I feel like happy dancing, but i won't on my webcam cuz you'll all laugh at me, everyone does when i happydance. So anyway I still haven't ordered my new comp, i prolly will after my open house cuz i need more money. The comp i want is a...
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Ah, Alienware, why do they tempt me so? I want one for digital video editing, but that's probably foolish because I have no experience in digital video editing. Strange.

Nothing's finer than hanging out with an ex. Always puts a smile on my face.

And, yes, Boondock Saints was quite the impressive little film. I remember that at the time I didn't feel it quite worked, but upon reflection, I can't remember what I found fault in. Ah well.
Holy fuck, dude! eeek

Not only did Stacie (yow wow) comment in your journal, she said you were cute! Sweet Jeebus!

You seem to be getting along okay on here. wink
This is gonna be a really short entry. Just to let everyone know i posted a couple of pics in my pictures. And hopefully soon i can convince someone to help me take a photoset, but i need a better camera cuz mine blows frown anyone in my area? prolly not, oh well, mebbe i'll call cassie . . .

BTW . . . . ....
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*sniffle* doesn't anyone love me? frown j/k hehe
I just got back from being with my ex-gf for ten hours and it was GREAT. I am so still in love with that beautiful bitchy wonderful cruel perfect little girl. *sigh* Love's a bitch. I think i'm gonna go relieve my sexual tension now, then i'll pass out for a day or three. C'ya later. love
hey you're perty cute smile
welcome .. kinda
Alright, I'm in a shitty mood. I'm still in love with my ex-gf and prolly always will be. I write poetry and fiction. Here are two poems written about how I feel now. Tell me what u honestly think. Also, if I see these anywhere and i mean ANYWHERE else and i didn't put them there, they had better be cited (Andrew W. Szerdi V)...
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Also. Keep it simple. You have to write things that normal people would want to read and be really good at that first. Save the Shakespeare for your soul and your future. Most people just pass that stuff over with thier eyes. You have to connect. GRAB an audience. THEN you can wow em' with your prose and existential banter.

Btw we have the same birthday. Whad you get me?

you should join the writers group. by all means, come on in
and post away.

Does anyone else have as lame ass a job as me?

Moving furniture and delivering it to your bitchy houses really sux. You should try it once or twice. I swear if you ever did you would have a way different attitude towards those of us who do that sort of shit for you. Its like 5 in the morning and i swear more...
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hey...welcome to the site. love
i hope you enjoy it...i know i do.

I'm pretty sure my job is worse - which is why I'll never admit what it is on here. tongue

This looks much better. Way to go, d00d. If you're looking for fellow 'Gic geeks, check out Leningrad and batgirl. Lenny's a pal o' mine, and they're both lucky bastids who get to go home to SGs every night - plus they're major M:TG nerds.

Oh, there's also the PnP RPG group - Lenny and I are both in there.

[Edited on Jun 05, 2003]
Wow there is so much to do and see here, especially SEE, hehehe. So here i am, noob member . . . yay. "And there was much rejoicing, . . . yay . . ." skull
*Point obviously taken*

[Edited on Jun 05, 2003]