Well I just wanted to send out a GREAT BIG THANKS to all my friends out there in SG land....
Thakn's for the friend ship and all the comments on my shit.
And a shout to LEE for telling me to hang in there, and the comments will come.. I needed too be more active and I have..
So went out too grab a bite with my bro Kevin and well he locked his keys in his car with it stlll running
So I get some tools out of my tool bag, and for those of you who know tool bags on bikes that's not alot.
Well we pry the door jam away so he can get his arm in there and well it worked.. And we sure were getting some looks.
That was my day yesterday, you all have a good one
Well I just wanted to send out a GREAT BIG THANKS to all my friends out there in SG land....
Thakn's for the friend ship and all the comments on my shit.
And a shout to LEE for telling me to hang in there, and the comments will come.. I needed too be more active and I have..
So went out too grab a bite with my bro Kevin and well he locked his keys in his car with it stlll running
So I get some tools out of my tool bag, and for those of you who know tool bags on bikes that's not alot.
Well we pry the door jam away so he can get his arm in there and well it worked.. And we sure were getting some looks.
That was my day yesterday, you all have a good one