**warning - the first part of this entry is pretty political- sorry -
so i'm sure you've heard...
SC Judge Sandra Day O'Connor is retiring
i love how people cry "liberal" when they talk of the supreme court and Justice O'Connor. Never mind she was appointed by the right's bastion of blind optimism...Ronald Reagan.
I'm starting to think i really need to get more involved in the 2006 elections.
randi rhodes is right...pick what really pisses you off and use it.
i've been paying a lot more attention to my local Congresswoman Melissa Hart lately also...stay tuned.
everybody should check this
out. it was a video done by Randi Rhodes of Air America Radio. by all means questions all of it and do your research...then get back to me...
"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. -- James Madison
ok...politics are over.
i was recently called by a girl i was seeing. she asked if i wanted to hang out and meet her parents...the next thing i know i'm at a multi level marketing meeting for this crap. WTF?
that was my seinfeld moment for the week.

so i'm sure you've heard...
SC Judge Sandra Day O'Connor is retiring
i love how people cry "liberal" when they talk of the supreme court and Justice O'Connor. Never mind she was appointed by the right's bastion of blind optimism...Ronald Reagan.
I'm starting to think i really need to get more involved in the 2006 elections.
randi rhodes is right...pick what really pisses you off and use it.
i've been paying a lot more attention to my local Congresswoman Melissa Hart lately also...stay tuned.
everybody should check this
out. it was a video done by Randi Rhodes of Air America Radio. by all means questions all of it and do your research...then get back to me...

"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. -- James Madison
ok...politics are over.
i was recently called by a girl i was seeing. she asked if i wanted to hang out and meet her parents...the next thing i know i'm at a multi level marketing meeting for this crap. WTF?
that was my seinfeld moment for the week.
The right wing would like nothing better than for those of us with a progressive mindset to stay at home and sit out the elections, and keep our mouths shut. And it's often frustrating being on this side of the political spectrum when the people who are supposed to be speaking for us (Democrats) are so cowed by the right as to be almost useless, or otherwise inept. But I think we're turning a corner - people are starting to get sick of the Repubs' bullshit, and the Dems are slowly starting to get their shit together under Dean's leadership. It might take a while, but eventually we'll take this country back and get it back on the right track.
<--- In favor the the Penguins getting a new arena (whether it is state/city funded, or thanks to the slots parlor they could get)
<--- Reminds people of the fact that the arena could be used 365, for concerts, wrestling, truck shows, Mickey on Ice, but thanks to the "entertainment tax" no one wants to play here
<--- Will probably vote for Hillary in '08. Or wait to run in 2016