jeez...anyone listen to
randi rhodes?
if so...what do you think?
anyone interested in jazz should stop by the crawford grill in station square on wed, may 11th. a good friend of mine is singing and she's fantastic - olga watkins
i may be starting a new business. a broker friend of mine wants me to do all the title work for him. i would so rather work in marketing or something... my one branding client - the century inn just had an article
written about them. i had nothing to do with it though.
i'm probably going to the social distortion show this month. i've wanted to see them for a long time...
randi rhodes?
if so...what do you think?
anyone interested in jazz should stop by the crawford grill in station square on wed, may 11th. a good friend of mine is singing and she's fantastic - olga watkins
i may be starting a new business. a broker friend of mine wants me to do all the title work for him. i would so rather work in marketing or something... my one branding client - the century inn just had an article
written about them. i had nothing to do with it though.
i'm probably going to the social distortion show this month. i've wanted to see them for a long time...
ya i joined.
i listen to al before work most days. and sometimes i listen to the repeat at night if im at my other job or im up