Fuck my brother.
Hes Ignorant.
Hes Closed Minded.
Hes a Stuck up son of a bitch.
He will lick any asshole if it means he gets farther in life.
He contains no respect for average people.
Hes a hate machine.
I live life on one principle. Always have. Always will.
If you respect me, i respect you.
He shows no respect for me at all.
Im getting closer and closer and sicker and sicker of his shit.
Me and my dad were going out to dinner tonight and bringing him along. Now me and my dad if you werent aware. Never fight. Never get in arguments outside of what car is faster or what piece of hardware blah blah. Me and my dad have always had a perfect relationship. Hes even admitted if he were born today hed have the tattoos.
Me and my mother rarely argue. She gets on me that she doesnt like my tattoo work. She complains that i drive too fast like my father. She just enjoys screwing around with me. Im the mellowest of her kids.
Me and my sister always argue, but we never attack each other in any other way. We just fuck around like siblings. Ill throw her ass over my shoulder and take her and throw her into a room or something stupid. Hide her shit.
Me and my brother. Ive never treated him with disrespect.
Never assaulted his character.
Ive never gone after him with any form of hate or anything.
He just finds it completely necessary to assault me on every chance moment he has.
I never will understand this.
Hes corrupt. His mind is fucked.
One day, i hope he understands shit.
Otherwise, hes going to be fucked.