Well, I went to Emergenza yesternight. It was fun, as usual, but I wasn't really that much into it. All I kept doing all night was watching people and 'voicing them over'. Dunno, I find it kind of funny to just try and figure out everyone's life just by watching them in a crowd. Everyone's acting kind of weird while in a crowd. You're...
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1) Go and grab THE ANIMATION SHOW VOL.3 while you can at Le Cinma du Parc. If you don't go, that you are an ignorant dumb fuck, unless the reason you're not going involve titties & beer.
2) Harmony Korine's new movie hits Cannes festival this week. My advise...watch Gummo once, twice and then swith over to Julian Donkey Boy. If not totally...
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Is it me, or I just don't care about the 'nice weather'? I mean, I'm seeing somebody right now and all she talks about is going out, go to the parc, take a walk, enjoy the sun, so on...
I just don't care!
It's a 3 days week-end for me, my first since ever and all I wanted to...
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I don't plan on passing out
What kind of crazy weather is this?
Boy, nevertheless, that gave me the perfect occasion to re-watch Freaks & Geeks with my roomate. It's still as good as it was 3 years ago...
But seriously, once the 'move-out' thing is over with, what's news? I have a pretty steady routine but...OH, newsflash, my co-worker who's totally bugging...
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Why did nobody told me about this wonderful Blog?
I mean, come on people, give me the news, this is just great.
My move-out is finaly done so I had time to update my own blog.
Aut'Blog (In French, sorry folks...)
Cheers y'all!
I mean...come on now!
I don't have Internet at my new place and I got rob the day after I moved out, so I won't be around much until the 15th or so.
Just reading some glimpses and posting some comments from work.
Until then, cheers people. I'm so well located now that I could have a tremendous summer...
That's horrible!
I hope that they didn't take too much!
Passage of time...Measured only by loss.
Lost of a choice
Lost of comfort
Lost of a shoulder to lay your head, your hat,
Your life from that choice until it's...
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T-Minus 5 days before my move out. Number of boxes ready so far...ZERO!
It's not even lazyness, I just plain don't feel like it. As if I didn't care that much, as if I could just let everything go and it wouldn't change much.
The more it goes, the more I feel like...
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didyounotice said:
Way to go...seriously.
j'aimerais vraiment comprendre
But i see you claim to be the 'Time waster of the year' ...haha im a loser if i dont even win that one but hey its summer, everything is fressh and we can all start to blossom * i think the english word for my last sentence is corny or lame or something like that, but still theres sun outside today!
a wound is a wound, but wounds heal
I know how its feels so good in a twisted way when an ex is unhappy and misses you so the opposite must feel bad.
But you'll be happy again .
I promise that you will meet a girl that amaze you and the magic will happen
I think love is not necessrly eternal and its something that you enjoy while its there
Good luck with the moving
Bon courage a toi aussi, you dont have le mnage du printemps but you have the moving out cleaning.
New place new start!
Sun finally came back, was about time, I was almost afraid to move out in the snow in two weeks.
Yeah, two weeks before my big move-out, fuck it's going to be awesome. Great place, great location, great roomates.
One little thing though, my birthday was just plain bad. First, my friend through me this little surprise get together, even though I told her...
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A lot of times in life doing things just for others makes me completely unhappy. It's when I do things for me when I'm the most happy.
I'm a people pleaser though and I hate that about myself. I always put others before me but I'm trying to fight that now.
I dunno - some days I see me the way that others do and I don't think that's nice.
But other days I chose to see all the good I have in me that is often looked over by the public.