The Rise and Fall of everything you wanted to happen...
Saturday morning (sort of...) and I have so many options for the many week-end and, even if most of them are amoung my favorite activities, nothing seems appealing. I feel like a rusty clock who needs to be winded over and over again but still can't figure out how to keep track on time.
Perpetual daydream, but I don't aspire as much as I use too.
I've been trying to write movie reviews for two weeks now and nothing comes out. I've watched again Raoul Ruiz TROIS VIE ET UNE SEULE MORT and still, nothing comes out. I'm, actually I'm going backward at a scary speed.
Started to see my ex girlfriend again, got some 'old time dates' and as much as it feels comfortable, there's a red light going on and off telling me how wrong it is and how bad it will end. But I'M a walking catastrophe, I feed on silly endings and emotional car crashes.
But that's how the story goes, I've been punching through walls all my life in hopes of finding one to stubborned for me, and yet this ain't happening. So I'm fightning and fightning, never resting and nothing seems to move properly.
Being stucked never seemed so troubled.
Nevertheless, enjoy your week-end y'all, I'm trying to figure out mine.
Saturday morning (sort of...) and I have so many options for the many week-end and, even if most of them are amoung my favorite activities, nothing seems appealing. I feel like a rusty clock who needs to be winded over and over again but still can't figure out how to keep track on time.
Perpetual daydream, but I don't aspire as much as I use too.
I've been trying to write movie reviews for two weeks now and nothing comes out. I've watched again Raoul Ruiz TROIS VIE ET UNE SEULE MORT and still, nothing comes out. I'm, actually I'm going backward at a scary speed.
Started to see my ex girlfriend again, got some 'old time dates' and as much as it feels comfortable, there's a red light going on and off telling me how wrong it is and how bad it will end. But I'M a walking catastrophe, I feed on silly endings and emotional car crashes.
But that's how the story goes, I've been punching through walls all my life in hopes of finding one to stubborned for me, and yet this ain't happening. So I'm fightning and fightning, never resting and nothing seems to move properly.
Being stucked never seemed so troubled.
Nevertheless, enjoy your week-end y'all, I'm trying to figure out mine.
did you see that? it's fucking great