My Ipod is finally back...AND NEW! It's fun and all, but now I'm stuck with nothing to wait for. That's how much fun my life is right now, no expectations at all, nothing, nada.

...And that pretty much wraps my day. The power was shut at work half of the day, so I wa there, doing absolutely nothing for like 3 hours, how fun.is that....
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Exactly. But sometimes people want the obvious.
Well, I think my main beef was that the question was "Is Joseph Conrad a racist?" and not "Is the character Marlow in the Joseph Conrad novel racist?" Cus frankly, who gives a damn whether JC was a racist? You separate the work from the man, like Nietzsche says, cus mostly men are the shit out of which great things blossom. But yeah, I think the novel's "racist" wording and talk is either a) a product of the times (which is not to say it ain't racist, just that those ideas were considered normal in 1898) or b) actually being ridiculed by Marlow or, if not Marlow, then our shadowy narrator. Why the heck else would he have used the other narrator, anyway?

Gah. Stupid class discussions.
``Why can't i act with the people I like the same way I do with people I hate?``

Truth to be told, I don't know how to act / react 99% of the time, I'd rather wait and see, or just wait and never get any sight at all.

But, good news, I don't have to suffer my roomates' friend tonight. Backpackers are unpredictable and...
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Just do what feels right. That's usually my plan.
Fuck....I want my IPod Back.

It's been four days now that I have sent my IPod to apple for repair and it's driving me nuts. I actually have to listen to all the idiotic conversations in the bus and God knows there are way too many of it these days. I live in Rosemont, I have to travel almost every from St-Michel to St-Denis on...
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Yeah, except you'll have to take the bus TO COME HAVE COFFEE WITH ME!!! Sucka! wink

I can lend you my dying-battery iPod 'til yours gets back, if you like, cus I have a new iPod shuffle I've been listening to, and my bus ride ain't all that long. Of course, there's lots of embarrassing musical selections on it that you might not enjoy, but the offer still stands.
I know, you're not really a sucker. But you do have to take the bus on your day off, which is sucky. But Eurodeli has good coffee, so at least there's that.
OK, Sunday Report....

I went out again last night. It started at Le Divan Rouge, but the music was incredibel annoying so we walk and ended at Les Foufounes Electriques again. Was fun, I met a friend from college whom I haven't seen for years now.

Questions were asked though. Why does skinny / teen looking waitresses are such bitches? I mean, I'm not the...
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Aiight, I'll put one of each aside for ya, so your total is $6 cus I give people a special deal when they buy 2 issues. Which means I get to keep your buck. wink

So, when do you want 'em delivered? And where?
Merci beaucoup! smile

yeah I hate that not a lot of anglophones speak french... I mean come on, it's a national language!

I haven't slept for like 27 hours right now, I'm kind of feeling sick.

Yesternight, I worked, and then I thing I had one of the worst night in a bar ever. I go up to Roy Bar, meet some friends and then I got introduced to some new people in the late 20's that all looks like as if there were younger than...
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I'm still not sure what our paper's policy is on French articles, mainly cus we don't have a ton of people who actually read or write French on staff, but if we ever figure it out I'll let you know. wink

As for how not to get stuck with girls, just tell them you have something important to do that would definitely not allow them to come with you. Like: writing an article for the paper, or going to work, or something incredibly boring like you need to wash your hair.
Well, if it moves copy, then I'll keep doing it. I.E. BUY ONE NOW!!! wink
Holy shit I'm bored....

I am not working till 6h00 tonight and I have all afternoon to do, well nothing. I don't have enough time to plan a real activity, like take a beer or a meal, I can't do sports either because I won't be able to stay up all evening for work. So, I'm stuck doing nothing, how's hat for a lovely plan....
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After a tremendous night at hockey yesternight and the drunkiness afterward with my pal, I just got my Laptop today. Nothing fancy, but it'll help me write a lot more and I could give a little break to my desktop PC which is 5 years old now.

The only thing is that I can't barely speak today. I'm out of voice from cheering too...
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Oh, I wasn't really looking for someone to pay me for my body. It was just a question I had thinking about prostitution. How do you decide what the going rate is? It's probably based more on supposed skill in certain areas than looks or brains, but it was interesting to think about.
Hockey nights in Canada,

It is obivous, I am a french canadian so I'm huge hockey fan. I know, but what ever comes from childhood is real hard to get rid off and the love of sports is one of them. So, opening night tonight for the Habs, going there with one of my best pal who, Seinfeld style, is going to talk to me...
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Okay, but I may need subtitles at first...
That is pretty weird. Maybe we should watch that one first?
I don't know about you, but I have this silly habit of always trying to find the song that exactly reflects my actual state of mind. And if I can't point one, I'm changing my dumbass state of mind to fit accordingly to what ever is close to it.

Silly isn't it?

I know, but I can't help it, I guess it is my little...
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I think my problem is I've been in university for way too long, so while everyone else my age should be settling into a career, I'm still doing these stupid entry-level jobs instead of concentrating on my career, which is already hard to do when it's writing and no one takes it seriously (like... "Oh, everyone can write, what makes you think you're so special?").


Anyway, what video store do you work in?
Oh Sunday,

Ok, I had to work but what a nice weather outside. I skate back and forth to my job (which is like 4-5 miles from my place) and I listened the new Dears album and, wow, that was nice. I wasen't happy for say but this is as close as I could get in recent memory. The weather, the really quiet day at...
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There goes my 'nothing' day.

I actually really enjoy does day where I just hang around in my appartement all day. It gives me a break from everything, allows me to rest and most importantly, it gives me time to think about what I want to do 'next'.

Right now, I'm really looking forward for this job at Attakus, that would be an awesome way...
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True, it's hard not to judge him. But yeah, he was posing with his semi-automatic rifles, it seems pretty obvious that people don't buy those because they like going hunting; they buy them cus they're starting a militia or are otherwise unstable.
Haha. I love making the paper pay for things.