I noticed something as I was walking down St-Laurent today on my way to work.
People wanders and exist around me and sometimes, I keep staring to steal their essence, their way to be. Ellis was mentionning some 'emotional vampires' to point down these senseless kids who were fucking each other in order to avoid loneliness...maybe reach closeness.
The way I spread love is less "in your fucking face" than you, hah. I prefer to smile at people and talk to them nicely when they come to me. With my close ones, I'm a more touchy-feely and express myself more. I like to give hugs, touch the other and tell them how much they mean to me but it all depends on whom I am with. But yeah... With strangers it's just subtle. Some people don't even realize while some others think I'm that nice they think I'm interested in them (in a love way or sex way) which isn't the case, as you know.
Sleepless isen't so bad when you've got someone to wake next to you...
You see, blog entrys are going thin. Why? I could say it's summer and everything but ... little I know about myself is that I don't really fancy the sun the much and the only thing summer is to me is permanent discomfort since I can't stand the heat really well as... Read More
Well... it's hard to say, cus most of my friends don't DO anything that requires my support. They have parties occasionally, but that's different, cus nobody has to have an arm twisted to go to a party.
I dunno. I did miss my Fringe-husband's show in Toronto cus another friend and I got into a really interesting conversation. So I have missed people's shows accidentally, but I always try to apologize for not going, at least...
Hey, I had a great week-end. It's been awhile since I said that, and even tough I got a sore neck since last Monday, I had a great week-end and I didn't spent that much.
Ok, I bought a book at this great new book-store on Mont-Royal & Henri-Julien. I don't know it made me so... Read More
If the wind dosen't knock you over, than try the road...
Sunday, I went to the closure of the Montreal Jazz Fest and I remembered why I don't like those things as much as I use to. Every time I attend a large event, I can only stop and wonder how idiotic a crowd can be and how tasteless are people when they are gathered... Read More
Well, after all it my 'national holiday' and what am I doing? Sweet fuck-all...
Don't get me wrong, I've partied a little this week-end but tonight, I'm not doing Jack. Actually, I'm a little deceived that our yesterday get together failed to 4 people only and showed a big lack of nakedness. Truth to be... Read More
- I like the way he paces his stories, giving the reader a bit of a break from competing narratives.
- His writing is intelligent without hitting you over the head and saying "look at me, I can use big words and metaphors!"
- From what I've read, his books have a seedy, fetishistic side to them that I find atypical of most writers.
- He's transparent. Though all writing contains a peck of the autobiographical (and Richler, for sure, draws on his background) Richler, the person, manages to stay out of his stories and let his characters do the talking for him.
I would love to read your blog but it's in French. Is that all you write or is there more?
What is there to say when nothing, virtually, goes wrong?
I have not updated in a while, in fact, my laptop has been closed most of last week. BUT, for those of you who have a little time to spare, I've uploaded a 'mix-tape' on my french blog (You english follow, just scroll down and look for the link
loners are nice.
your face tells me you're a nice person and your comments confirm it, except the one where you call yourself a judgmental prick........
somehow i find that hard to believe....it sounds like someone misunderstood you once and called you that, you felt horrible that you could make someone think that of you, so you figured it must be true.
Call this redundant, or 'deja-vu' but I'm telling you this...Breaking up with a co-worker is the absolute worst situation. Especially when your desk is shared with the mentionned co-worker.
It's like grieving over an open casket, you can't get rid of the person, the imagery and everything.
The smell, the laughters, the everything you regret is right next... Read More
Yup, we're at the crappy-looking pool. It's slightly moldy inside. Not noticeable if you're an audience member, but I've heard it will make you sick if you're indoors too long.
And, of course, it's supposed to rain today, so I WILL be indoors, bleh!
Well, I went to Emergenza yesternight. It was fun, as usual, but I wasn't really that much into it. All I kept doing all night was watching people and 'voicing them over'. Dunno, I find it kind of funny to just try and figure out everyone's life just by watching them in a crowd. Everyone's acting kind of weird while in a crowd. You're... Read More
1) Go and grab THE ANIMATION SHOW VOL.3 while you can at Le Cinma du Parc. If you don't go, that you are an ignorant dumb fuck, unless the reason you're not going involve titties & beer.
2) Harmony Korine's new movie hits Cannes festival this week. My advise...watch Gummo once, twice and then swith over to Julian Donkey Boy. If not totally... Read More