Use the first letter of your Username to answer these:
1. A Type of Candy -Dime Bar
2. A Song - Daydream Believer by The Monkeys
3. A Football Team - Derby County ⚽️
4. A Tailgate Food - Doritos
5. A City - Derby
6. A Colour - Damson
7. A Movie - Doom
8. A Camping Item - Dressing Gown?
9. Something to Wear - Denim Jacket
10. Something to be Thankful For -
11. Something in a Haunted House - Dust
12. Something Yellow - Dandelion
13. Historical Person - Davey Crockett
14. A Candle Scent - Dewdrop
15. A Fall Activity - Dancing?
I tag @kungfury @starry @felicity @candytoc @wolfetone11 @ojtheviking