My heart has been breaking reading all the blogs/comments from Hopefuls/SGs , thankyou @hartt for having the courage to start the conversation, about all that is happening in SG land and how things need to change. But have not read much from the viewpoint of the members like myself and what we think. If people here want to hear my views and experiences then I would love to take the time to write a blog , but as it would take allot out of me to do so I need to know if people want to hear it and also that I will not be 'punished' in anyway for doing so. I have been a member here for 4 years , which I known it is not a long time but long enough to know how things look from the perspective of a member. Would the Hopefuls, Suicidegirls, Members and most importantly Staff want to hear my views and suggestions
@sean @missy @penny @eirenne @lemon @yessybear @mickey