Thankyou to @kungfury and @chroi for nominating me for this.
1. Who's putting up a Christmas tree?
Not me. No room in my bedroom and My Mum doesn't feel up to putting one up downstairs.
2. Who's into holiday decorations indoors and outdoors?
Never had outdoor decorations. My Mum has put a few up downstairs and I've a nativity and Christmas forest.
3. Do you have any family traditions during the holidays?
We go to visit my niece (sister's daughter) her husband and the kids Boxing Day. Couldn't go last year due to covid.
4. Do you have any holiday charities you donate to or participate in?
There are a few charities I donate monthly.
5. Favorite Christmas song?
Don't Stop The Cavalry by Jona Lewie
6. Who's shopping online?
Definately me.
7. I think shopping local and supporting local business owners is important during the holidays. What's your opinion on this?
I would if I were able but due to disability and social anxiety I rarely go out.
8. Favorite things to do during the holiday season? Name 3 things
Making my own Christmas Cards
Advent Calendar ( Lego Avengers one this year)
Giving Presents
9. Anyone wait to the last minute to go Christmas shopping?
Definately Me π€£ I got some presents in early this year bur still got some to get.
10. New Year plans!
Depends if I can get my socail anxiety in check. Would love to get out much and maybe even find a gun club.
11. Has anyone ever gotten stressed out over the Holidays?
Christmas and New Year has always been an emotionally difficult time of year for me.
12. Do you have a budget, no budget?
Definately have a budget as it helps me make decisions.
13. New Question: what one thing would you change about Christmas (in America).
Not particularly restricted to America but I would love to see more done to make things easier for the homeless.
I nominate @starry @nerwen @dhyani @bookcouple @nanette @candytoc @melei @thickluvins @avrora