Presto-Change-O!! The Celebrity Death Poll will now attempt to make a "Magician" vanish into thin air. That's right, who's going to be sawed in half? Who's card is officially getting pulled? Who will disappear without a trace, never to return again? You decide!!
Vote on celebrity Illusionists like...
Criss Angel
David Blaine
David Copperfield
and more!
Vote Now!
The last Celebrity Death Poll winner was Bret Michaels. He just barely beat out Tiffany "New York" Pollard and Tila Tequila with 28% of the votes.
Thanks a bunch to everyone that votes on these. Have a good (safe) St. Patty's!
Vote on celebrity Illusionists like...
Criss Angel
David Blaine
David Copperfield
and more!
Vote Now!
The last Celebrity Death Poll winner was Bret Michaels. He just barely beat out Tiffany "New York" Pollard and Tila Tequila with 28% of the votes.

Thanks a bunch to everyone that votes on these. Have a good (safe) St. Patty's!