what a last few days it has been.
ditched uni at dinner, went to play lots of pool, and start drinking..
then went to a hotel to suprise pop for her bday bash!
then we hit the town, got mashed, and headed back to the hotel.
stayed up till 4 drinkin in the hotel bar, crashed in a room that i wasn't ment to be in, then woke up, and went str8 back to the pub for food, sat there all day, bashin around ideas for the lastest uni project.
quiet day till i got a call of phil, more poolage!
ditched uni at dinner, went to the pub, complete ownage at pool all day, went out again tonight, more pool ownage...
lectures! HAHA!
what a last few days it has been.
ditched uni at dinner, went to play lots of pool, and start drinking..
then went to a hotel to suprise pop for her bday bash!
then we hit the town, got mashed, and headed back to the hotel.
stayed up till 4 drinkin in the hotel bar, crashed in a room that i wasn't ment to be in, then woke up, and went str8 back to the pub for food, sat there all day, bashin around ideas for the lastest uni project.
quiet day till i got a call of phil, more poolage!

ditched uni at dinner, went to the pub, complete ownage at pool all day, went out again tonight, more pool ownage...
lectures! HAHA!