I don't know if I like this new screen name. I wanted to put two disgusting words together to form one big disgusting word, but it just sort of looks retarded. I guess I'll just fuck around somemore and see what I can come up with that hasn't already been taken.
More Blogs
Wednesday May 18, 2005
My request for a Clive Barker group was denied. -
Saturday May 14, 2005
Things you have to put up with when your mom's a crackhead: Consta… -
Monday May 09, 2005
To the 2 or so people that may actually read my journals, I am happy … -
Sunday May 08, 2005
Main Entry: influenza Pronunciation: "in-(")fl-'en-z& Function: nou… -
Tuesday May 03, 2005
Well it's my birthday today! I'm 24 today and am forced to work on my… -
Friday Apr 29, 2005
I feel like a turd in heat. -
Monday Apr 25, 2005
My taskbar is fucked up. I go into chatrooms and people think I'm a… -
Thursday Apr 14, 2005
Ok I changed my name. I am now going by my great great grandfather's … -
Thursday Apr 14, 2005
I don't know if I like this new screen name. I wanted to put two disg… -
Sunday Feb 27, 2005
And now a quote from our president George W. Bush: "They misunderest…