The Land of GlenGlen has its own language. It is English, with a twist. On the rocks. Here is a quick glimpse into it.
Cheesy - If any food item has cheese on it, the food is renamed to Cheesy (Original food name). Cheesy bread. Cheesy fries. Cheesy Tillapia. Whatever. That is fairly straightforward. What isn't is how you say it; very emphatically. Raise eyebrows, open mouth, bop head back and forth and scream "Cheesy Fries!"
"I Make Good" - Usually in the form of a question. In other words, "Do you approve of what I just did?" If you don't, my reply will be, "I am filled with sorrow (or shame.)"
"I Love They", et al - Proper usage of pronouns is for the weak.
Sadness - Or any other single-worded emotion. "Anger." Picture a cartoon or a video game where they are pictured with little symbols above their head. I have yet to be able to get a machine to do that in real-life, so I must express it. Example:
"GlenGlen, I see New York lost."
"They suck."
Pluralizing Words - One of my favorites. "I am going to the stores." "May I have a flavors?" People fucking hate this, which adds to the fun. It is even more fun to pluralize words that are already plural. "Look at all the carseses driving by!"
"-ies" - Adding "-ies" to words in lieu of just pluralizing them with the boring "-s" is fun, too. Birdies! Doggies! Carroties! OK, well, I use "-s" when referring to carrots.
"Nein." and "Nyet." - Much better than just saying, "No."
"For the Alliance." - Fun to use with bosses or any people of authority. Stolen from Warcraft. Use this instead of, "Yes I will do it."
-ererererer - In homage to the lead singer of Creed, certain words benefit from added a bunch of erererers to it. "Get in the house... erere" This is the only thing that drives people more insane than the extra plurals.
Zimism - The unneeded accentuation of phrases is a testament to my love of Invader Zim. "Your blogs have made me sick. Fetch me the BUCK-ET!"
Other key phrases and words
Aluminum is changed to Al-u-min-e-um-i-num to properly express both the Queen's English and American English way of saying it.
If I ask you for a "flavors", I do not want strawberries. I want you to do something for me.
"Are you serious, America?" is a phrase I will rarely use. It is your version of "Holy fucking shit, I don't believe what I just heard or saw!"
Cereal - Serious
Claire Danes - I can see into the future. "I knew it would happen. I am Claire Danes."
Cheesy - If any food item has cheese on it, the food is renamed to Cheesy (Original food name). Cheesy bread. Cheesy fries. Cheesy Tillapia. Whatever. That is fairly straightforward. What isn't is how you say it; very emphatically. Raise eyebrows, open mouth, bop head back and forth and scream "Cheesy Fries!"
"I Make Good" - Usually in the form of a question. In other words, "Do you approve of what I just did?" If you don't, my reply will be, "I am filled with sorrow (or shame.)"
"I Love They", et al - Proper usage of pronouns is for the weak.
Sadness - Or any other single-worded emotion. "Anger." Picture a cartoon or a video game where they are pictured with little symbols above their head. I have yet to be able to get a machine to do that in real-life, so I must express it. Example:
"GlenGlen, I see New York lost."
"They suck."
Pluralizing Words - One of my favorites. "I am going to the stores." "May I have a flavors?" People fucking hate this, which adds to the fun. It is even more fun to pluralize words that are already plural. "Look at all the carseses driving by!"
"-ies" - Adding "-ies" to words in lieu of just pluralizing them with the boring "-s" is fun, too. Birdies! Doggies! Carroties! OK, well, I use "-s" when referring to carrots.
"Nein." and "Nyet." - Much better than just saying, "No."
"For the Alliance." - Fun to use with bosses or any people of authority. Stolen from Warcraft. Use this instead of, "Yes I will do it."
-ererererer - In homage to the lead singer of Creed, certain words benefit from added a bunch of erererers to it. "Get in the house... erere" This is the only thing that drives people more insane than the extra plurals.
Zimism - The unneeded accentuation of phrases is a testament to my love of Invader Zim. "Your blogs have made me sick. Fetch me the BUCK-ET!"
Other key phrases and words
Aluminum is changed to Al-u-min-e-um-i-num to properly express both the Queen's English and American English way of saying it.
If I ask you for a "flavors", I do not want strawberries. I want you to do something for me.
"Are you serious, America?" is a phrase I will rarely use. It is your version of "Holy fucking shit, I don't believe what I just heard or saw!"
Cereal - Serious
Claire Danes - I can see into the future. "I knew it would happen. I am Claire Danes."
I am also down with the Zimisms . I like to completely overreact to simple mistakes such as giving me Sprite instead of Coke at the drive-thru window and scream " FOOLS!!!! Now you will all be des-TROYED!!!!"