As usual, my -at the time- great idea of photo documenting parties I go to, turns out to be not so great the next morning
After the glamorous shots from the last update, its only fair to post the most unglamorous shots of myself this time

(the halo and angel stuff is a joke my friend added on due to the fact that I had to renounce my costume because of the policy in the place we booked)

2. By far my coolest gift is that I get to go skydiving!! which Ive been dying to do for ages! (thank you, thank you, thank you). If I get some extra money from my parents, I might get this awesome guitar/scythar this specialist guy makes in Paris. It really is an amazing piece of musical equipment I need in my collection.
3. News on my grading isnt great. I didnt fail but I didnt pass either, rather, I got differed mainly because of my fucking health problem (sorted soon I hope when the NHS lets me see a doctor!!) Anyhow they want to see me again in June which blows as its usually horrifically hot at that grading.
Details about the grading below if youre interested
4. My record is expected for this fall which is a lot later than we thought but the deal is sweet and would pretty much allow us to do one per year if they sell well! In the spirit of Josh Hommess Desert sessions. This means wed probably have volume 2 done before volume 1 would even be out haha. I couldnt be there when all this was discussed but they were apparently quite impressed with our stuff
5. Some articles on us are expected in the coming months in a French magazine called Rock Sound. They want to interview us for an article in their most selling issue of the year as well which is great!
6. I competed in the Randori (think Jitsu with Judo rules) nationals 3 weeks ago. My club won, again (for the 8th time I think) which was groovy. I spent the night celebrating in the emergency room of UCLHospital to get some treatment for the lung infection which fell upon me 2 days before competing. I did well but lets face it I was ill and tired, missed my medal because of that and came in 4th Im so getting my revenge next year.
Pictures if you click below:
7.My dude was asked to give a guitar lesson to the guy from Simple Plan while they were in Paris last month. I was around so we watched their show a bit and hung out. Not really my type of music but they were very nice.
8. Due to some theatre writing stuff I do, I get to meet this author Ive recently discovered and love this tuesday. Shes called Moira Buffini and wrote this fantastic play called Dinner. I strongly suggest it to you!
9. Chai drew me! Shes fantastic and very talented, go congratulate her!
10.One of my new toys! (on the right) It was given to me last month and is incredibly cute (and hard to tune right). The Channel tunnel cops thought it was fucking awesome when I brought it over! The other one is to give you an idea in regards to its size
Thats it for now, hopefully the internet will stay and Ill be able to answer comments soon!
So, tell me what your ideal birthday is!?
je ne vais pas marquer a dans le groupe, aucun intrt.
je venais dans ton journal comme a, voir un peu tes news...mais tu n'updates pas beaucoup