Hey peeps!
Thanks for all your lovely b'day wishes!! I havn't gone into work experience today I'm pretending to be ill! I had loadasa lovely pressies and cards! This photographer has asked to work with me and do loadsa pinup/burlesque stylee pics which is also a plus! Woohoo!
Thanks for all your lovely b'day wishes!! I havn't gone into work experience today I'm pretending to be ill! I had loadasa lovely pressies and cards! This photographer has asked to work with me and do loadsa pinup/burlesque stylee pics which is also a plus! Woohoo!

Thanks for the whole happy birthday thing......... happy birthday (i'm always late) to you also!

Damn I'm late..but Happy Birthday! Ahhh,. to be young, hot and 22 again....lol..wait, I'm not really sure I was hot at 22...lol. Hopefully you got some six inch heels and you were able to wear them all day on your B-Day..which oddly enough, is my B-day wish this year..weird.