Hey I'd thought I'd have a Halloween update!! Had a fabbo Halloween weekend but am so knakard now! Went to work on Sat everyone dressed in Halloween costume (I was a Bettie Devil) and we all ran around crazy drinking bucks fizz-which doesn't often happen at work!!!!!!! Must post some pics! I got a majorly cool bag from my manager for having the best halloween costume!YAY! GOT loadsa bitchly looks from girls with their boyfriends- one woman even said to me " God, we have to leave now you're turning him on" YUCK BALDING MIDDLE AGED MAN!!! I don't know what I do to attract sooo much female hatred! On Saturday nite we all went to my boyfs halloween gig, they all dressed as Zombies- scarey!! After all these years I finally got serenaded by my boyf in front of everyone while he sang White Wedding by Billy Idol!! Ohh I'm going to see him in a few weeks too!!! After gig went onto my mates Uncles very arty Halloween party, Darling- was a bit wierd but fun, and then got called a "Skeleton Bitch!!" by some rude girls on the way home cos I had stockings on with skeleton legs on- We couln't help but laugh at their creative dissin' and general stupidness!!!! Yesterday went to Thorpe Park for Fright nite which was fun, but a bit of a let down as they really didn't do Halloween very well! I managed Nemisis which is a first for me, as I'm a wimp when it comes to upside down roller coasters!!! Now I'm soooo knackard I had to start work experience today at Lulu & Red which is fun, and had lovely homemade Curry as the seamstresses were celebrating Divali! YUM! Hope you're all fabulous, and a very Happy Halloween!xxx

how are you???