Spring is here! Finally!

My garden has been lovin this rain, but I don't know how much more I can take!
I can't wait to fix up my skate board and hit the streets with my doggy Boomer. He is such a good boy, and he is so smart. I tough him how to shake, and I take him out to the punk shows with me all the time and he hardly ever gets into trouble. But watch out for your beer though, he likes to come up and knock it over so he can drink all the beer.
Such a booze Hound!

Everyone always falls in love with him, he steals the show.
He must really think that everyone is just there to hang out with Boomer, with the way he goes on...

He so proud of himself.
Today I will be piling my car full of smelly Oakland punks and herding them to S.F. to witness the Great Anarchist Bookfair. I wend last year and had a really great time. But I didn't bring NEARLY enough money to buy all the books and patches and stickers that I wanted.
This year, I come prepared. And will keep you posted with photos.
(If they aren't too strict on their no phone policies.)
April first is a day to honor new beginnings, and with that, here I would like to present to you my first set shot in over 2 years.......
Yep! So while you are sitting at your desk in your nice warm home defrosting from the rain, wind, snow, and mud, you are actually only a very few click. click. clicks. away from viewing one of my most adored sets I've gotten to shoot for Suicide Girls thus far.
Hope you will enjoy.

I met up with DarrylDarko, at Rambo's brand new apartment to get a feel for what we were going to shoot. I really wanted to shoot at the tubes, and when I learned how close they were it seemed like a perfect match.
I really like how the comfortable clothes contrasts the gritty industrialism of the atmosphere, making it seem more like a regular outing. Do you get that feeling too?
What do the photos say to you?

Here is a Polaroid that Darryl Darko took that I think speaks for it's self.

And another but with Captain America!

This is a shot from a photo-shoot that I did not to long before "Daybreak" was shoot. I love the fashion designers style, and would work with both of them again.

That is a shot from Creepy KOFY Movietime that was taken off of a persons t.v. set! Ahhahah look ma! I'm on T.V! For all of you CKMT fans, I will be back again next season for more chills, thrills, and spills!

Ok, have a great week!

-------------------------Some Sets Not To Be Missed!-------------------------

Lethal Ginger Passion

Aleon Kelidoscope Eyes
Patton Blond Ambition
HelenJade Bedroom Talking
Come for brunch today!!!!
Im leaving tom (monday) very earoy in the moring (super sad face)