Happy Thanksgiving Suicide Girls!
I have so much to be thankful for, but I will list just 5 reasons to be greatful for this year;
I have so much to be thankful for, but I will list just 5 reasons to be greatful for this year;
1. Quinne
This lady has done so many wonderful things for me. I owe here everything. When I though I had hit rock bottom the was the one to pick me back up. I <3 this girl.

2. Buellher
I am really glad that I met Buellher this past week while working a convention together. She is not only supper funny and sweet, and knows how to cook, she also dose hair. Which I don't have the slightest idea about. And she lives in my town.

But see for yourself. Her fine ass is on the Front Page today in, "The Soloist."
Shot by my good friend, and new staff photographer, Darryl Darko.
3. kcaHack
I just gotta say, what this man is doing in the name of Medical Marijuana deserves a medal. Not only that, but he also hooked me up with a job when I had no other way to get by. He is the founder of SJCBC in San Jose. You can find a great source of information in the Medical Marijuana Patients and Supporters group that he runs here on the site.
4. Suicidegirls
I sat down and thought about where my life has been since joining Suicidegirls in 2008. I can tell you for sure that the first three things on this list would not be there is it wasn't for this site. Not only has joining this site brought me so many wonderful friends and opportunities, it has constantly reminded of why I should love myself.
Growing up I never thought of myself as a beautiful person. While on the inside I knew I was beautiful, I never would have dreamed that anyone would want to take a picture of me, let alone PAY to take a picture of me. Well look at me know, haha, and I owe it all to you.
5. You
How could this site even exist if it wasn't for you member. Really!? It's you dedication and input that keeps this community going. Give yourselves a round of applauds. I love you all!
You are the best!!! Glad to hear things are going well for you

I heart my Dicey poo!