My friends in Plan 9 got me into this show! I love these guys! If you love the misfits, and ever get the chance, you got to go see them!


I am so broke right now, I only have $10 to last me till I get payed. Then I have so many bills to pay. I'm sure it wouldn't be so bad if the government wasn't taking 25% of my paychecks to pay for medical bills that I never planed to do anything about.
I was surprised that I made it through the weekend without having to spend a whole lot going out. There are some good people out there, who really do have my back. I appreciate you, you know who you are.
If you would all please help me out and take the time to comment on my sets in Member Review, I would appreciate it so much, because it really would help me out. I don't want to sound desperate. I am the only one supporting myself. My meager part time job barely pays the bills. I don't even mind eating ramen noodles every day.
Here is 'Depth' for your enjoyment!

It's really time I find a source of extra income. But where is a girl like me supposed to look? Bartender? Stripper? Coffee Shop? Really anything that pays.

I've got more stories to share about the weekend, but I haven't the time right now.
Bwahaha...yep I've done that before too
Great band!