If you want to check me out, and more of the fun, click here!
Can you guess who this killer woman is from the site???

Here's some photos from the party the APB hosted at The Bordello Bar. I had lots of fun, and met a bunch of super awesome ladies! And of course the winner of the Hopefuls contest who's set just went live today, Miss LaneyChantal. With her sexy new set, Bordello Bar. Check it out!
Rambo is the shit you know.

I also had a little write up in Kotaku.

Saint and I helped a good friend make a little video about a PC. We are in the hot tub scene at the end.
I am also going to be on season 4 of Creepy KOFY Movie Time! You better tune in.

Wow you guys would not believe the things I have done since i just recently became single, then abruptly became involved again, then single once more. I have been traveling all over the West coast. Where do I even begin?
After being totally depressed and feeling completely alone and abused, I started going on a HUGE drinking binge. Showing up to work hung over and puking in the bathroom. Two 40s a day with no food. Staying up late, waking up early. That is, when I got sleep.
I took a last minute trip up to Reno for a weekend. It was nice to get away from the Bay. I was leaving my problems behind. It was nice to tread on some new ground. I was all gun ho about gambling for my first time, but it never happened because the person I was with wasn't 21. So I said fuck it! Went to a show instead.
I'm addicted to love.
It was snowing up in Reno. I HATE THE SNOW! I fucking HATE it.

So if as if that's not enough to make a person avoid snow like a cat avoids water, get this. We are coming back from Reno, and it just happens to be snowing on the top of the mountain. No chains. No radio. No cell phone service. Hit some black ice and the driver loses control of the breaks, sending his newly fixed up vintage Porch off the road and straight into a snow bank.
What's weird is that I had a dream that I was in my friends car. We were going down a steep hill. He lost control of the car and everything turned white...
This is the only time I will ever say this. But I am thankful for the Hummer that came and pulled us out. We made it back to the Bay in time to see an awesome show, and party with some good friends.
I was so happy to get back to the Bay. Ahhh my home.
Speaking of shows, i played my first two Ms. Fits shows last weekend. The first one was a disaster, but I made up for it the second night.
Picked cherries in the middle of nowhere.
Cut My hair. Just in time for the warm weather.
More shows.... Instant Asshole in San Jose.
Spent Memorial Day with a bunch of good friends and beer.
Last minute trip to Santa Cruz.
While I was in SoCal I stayed a few extra days to enjoy myself.
When to the UCB theater to see an improve show.
The Scientology Manor that was across the street.
Went out to eat at the most wonderful vegan high end joints. Saw really weird BD/SM show at Bar Sinister, LA's local goth spot. Toy Story 3 in 3D was cute, almost made me want to cry. Brought home a bag of bones from an wonderful taxidermy store off Melrose.
I drove down to LA with company, yet I returned home alone.
(Do you notice the massive hawk that was looking for his dinner?)
Six hours behind the wheel with nothing but your thoughts. I managed. And even took a few shots.
Work is good.
Wine at Quinne's tomorrow night.
Oh and one last thing. Cherry shot a set of me while she was in town, and I want to use one of the photos from the set as my new profile pic.
Which one is your favorite?
Ok that sums up the last month. But I did leave out all the nasty parts.
No tellin what next month will bring.... My 22nd birthday. New set shot by Cherry. Hopefully a new place to live. Shows. ComiCon.
Oh Man!
I'll do my best to keep you all posted!
i vote #4-- i like how you can see some of your fabulous ink.