I'm going to try out for The Ms. Fits, this all girl Misfits cover band here in a little while. I have to say, I'm kinda nervous. I hope that I get the gig, that would AWESOME!
The Misfits were the band that first got me listening to punk. Let me be honest, my life would not be the same without 'em.
Well here is a lil video that I made not too long ago for all my fellow fiends out there.
I'll be sure to post a real blog with photos later, and let you know how it goes.
ALSO!!! Can you say WONDER-CON!!! I'm excited. Who else is going to be there?

The Misfits were the band that first got me listening to punk. Let me be honest, my life would not be the same without 'em.
Well here is a lil video that I made not too long ago for all my fellow fiends out there.
I'll be sure to post a real blog with photos later, and let you know how it goes.
ALSO!!! Can you say WONDER-CON!!! I'm excited. Who else is going to be there?
Hope you land the gig with the Ms. Fits. 

That part where you unzip and expose your right boob and the other part where you rub your left bood is extremely fricken hot!!!!!