The singer of my band is a total self centered cunt. She uses everyone then treats them like shit. All she ever dose is talk shit about people. And she is seriously delusional because she thinks she is way hotter than she is. She is only 18 years old but she thinks she knows everything. She is not even punk. Not with her materialism. Not with here conservative job. Not while living at her parents house in suburbia. She is one big fat faker.
I fucking hate her guts, and I think I need to leave the band before this stupid game goes any further.
I really need to get loaded and take my mind off of this but my pipe got broken on Friday night.
I fucking hate her guts, and I think I need to leave the band before this stupid game goes any further.

I really need to get loaded and take my mind off of this but my pipe got broken on Friday night.
Dear Dice. a long time ago i gave you a belt, the chain one. i really miss it and can not find a new one anywhere. i hope you'll understand when i ask, CAN I PLEASE HAVE IT BACK?

Ugh, that sucks so bad....