So... I got a haircut.. I'm gonna start eating better. Exercise is on the agenda as well. I'm not sure how much I like being as scrawny as I am...Also quit smoking and drinking is to a minimum.
Yeah I've lost my mind. But I think I'm better off without it.
lol I never said it was between the sheets.. That's an exercise for two and looking around me I don't see anyone else sooooo haha yeah.... I don't expect anyone to understand my choices about not smoking...
The drinking was kind of a fib.. Last time I went to the bar I got pretty faded lol
I need to buy new jewelry for my lip and septum.. Also I need to get at least one anti eyebrow. thats the next piercing I want to get. That and my uhhh... *ahem* lol I also want to get my chest piece done finally. SOOOOOOOOOOO been waiting on that. It will have to be a multiple session kind of deal. Thats how big.
My... Read More
Back in Medford/Ashland area. Long boring drive from Salem but it wasn't that bad. I had some good tunes to keep me company. That and my overactive imagination. I find myself driving a lot nowadays and whenever I drive somewhere I seem to lose myself in thought. So much going on to manage a moment of silence in my head. I need to write some... Read More
New pictures up and whatnot.. thats pretty much it.. I hate my cats because they are always trying to get outside nowadays and I cant have that... They might get hit by a car and that would be sad..
aim: mellyinyourface