Oh! Damn! They just published my first SG set!
Ira's Red Dusk was the first set I shot for SG. That was on May 2006, after prepping it several times it was finally accepted on... October that same year! After 12 months it feels great to see it here, hope you like it, yeah!

Not having into account Halloween dates, I shot with SooniaMai her Queen of Darkness set by chance some months ago, in a striking gothic store with that great chair brought directly from hell... While it took 12 months for Red Dusk to see the light, Queen of Darkness did it in just 12 days. I wish all of them were like this last one.

It's great when a set gets published so quickly, because you still have excitement of having shot it and you really want to see it published. However, when a lot of time goes by you don't think anymore "Hey! Great! Let's see..." You say "Fuck! It's about time!"
I wish I had more time to update and reply the comments on my blogs.
Nena and I just got back from London, 15 great days to finish falling in love with the city, it's an incredible city. It's funny the way everything work outside down, cars, taps, door handles... people is crazy, but truly crazy and it's totally awesome!
In London I could meet and shoot with Elf and Leilani. Elf is a colour rush and Leilani is just adorable.
We met Sheena again and she's still so pretty, smart and nice-but-without-being-too-much like always
I confess I drank some wine before shooting a photoset, but you have no choice with a deliciously drunk Manko and her boyfriend MrAtomic.
Also we met and shot with a lot of new girls who I hope to see here soon.
There are no vids from London and the few pics we shot are in Nena's blog.
After London I just want to... go back London!
To finish getting drunk and go to see Erol Alkan in his club.
Confuckingratulations brother!
genios los dos