Lately I have really been feeling the need to do something creative.
Back in SA I had my awesome burlesque troupe Circus Gothica to keep the creative juices flowing and my trusty awesome local staff photographer Talamia who is always ready with camera in hand to take some beautiful pictures.
I haven't found anything yet here in Tel Aviv that satisfies that need... I am so happy for my girls in Circus Gothica, while I watch their progress from across the seas I love to see how well they are doing. At the same time though I can't help feeling a little sad about leaving all that behind.
This is the life I have chosen and I am so happy here, I know though that those feelings of sadness at what I left behind will always be with me.
I am a Jozi girl in my heart and I always will be...
Man, I really need to find an outlet....
Unfortunately though there are no staff photographers here in Israel and I am really hesitant to shoot with someone who is not familiar with this site.
I was really spoiled with Talamia, I trust her implicitly and when you are putting yourself out there all nekkid and stuff in front of a camera that is so important.
Le sigh....
I found this video on youtube yesterday, it was such a great night.
The premier of a short film called Cult Without A Name, Tarion, Hadess and I were hired for a performance by one of the bands preforming, The Slashdogs.
It was great, we danced on stage and suddenly Hadess (all planned, the audience wasn't expecting it though) started convulsing, as if she was having a fit.
She fell on me and I pushed her onto Tarion and it went back and forth for a while until she collapsed onto the floor, we picked her up and passed her to the singer of the band who put her onto the couch on stage.
Tarion and I sat with her, stroking her until she woke up.
It was so much fun

I miss my girls.
Thank you to everyone who showed my set The Outsider some love, it was a passion project that means a lot to me, so thank you!
I have a new fan page on facebook
Lots of love
me <3
as for models/photographers, I dont think anyone has formal expertise for SG- I know Wendy shot het sets in NY or somthing of the like.but I can ask around if you like, I know a lot of photographers (read my PM yet?), some are actually good.
as for burlesque, I know a few of the dancers here this could be to your liking.
Isn't it you cousin's band "Missing in action" thats playing in Jerusalem this Friday?
we will be together soon! i know it!
loves you more and more!
bestest friend ever!
xxxxxxxxx times a million!