OK so I got more tattoos done yesterday,
These pics aren't great but you get the idea.
Done by Pepe @ SA Hardcore Tattoo's in Parkhurst Johannesburg.

The flowers will be in full colour, my next appointment in on 4 July.
*edit to add June 18*
Has anyone noticed an increase in very explicit sets lately?
For me it has always been about artful sexy nudity without being overly porno,
Maybe I am naive but I don't like what I am seeing lately..
Maybe that is why my sets don't get accepted, cos I don't spread my legs wide open.
I am starting to feel I don't really belong here anymore.
I know it seems I am throwing my toys but I should be allowed to express how I feel.
large sigh
*end rant*
These pics aren't great but you get the idea.
Done by Pepe @ SA Hardcore Tattoo's in Parkhurst Johannesburg.

The flowers will be in full colour, my next appointment in on 4 July.
*edit to add June 18*
Has anyone noticed an increase in very explicit sets lately?
For me it has always been about artful sexy nudity without being overly porno,
Maybe I am naive but I don't like what I am seeing lately..
Maybe that is why my sets don't get accepted, cos I don't spread my legs wide open.
I am starting to feel I don't really belong here anymore.
I know it seems I am throwing my toys but I should be allowed to express how I feel.
large sigh
*end rant*